Monday, 3 November 2014

Exposed to Passion by Gemma Brocato book tour @GemmaBrocato

Exposed to Passion   
   ETP Cover_Compressed
Title: Exposed to Passion (Five Senses Series #3) 
Author: Gemma Brocato Genre: Contemporary Romance 18+ 
Publish Date: October 20, 2014 
Publisher: Lyrical Press/Kensington Publishing 
Event organized by: Literati Author Services, Inc.    

~ Book Synopsis ~

They walked through the shadows individually. Will they emerge into the light together? Leading a vagabond life as a curator for a traveling photography exhibit translates to a lot of bad days for Rikki Salerno. But her trouble doubles when a careless high school student shoves her into a marsh. Being rescued by teacher Sam Kerrigan should have made things better, but Rikki’s inability to confess her true identity casts a shadow over their budding affair.

When Sam refuses an overly aggressive parent’s marriage proposal, she’s determined to ruin him. Not only does she doctor photos to make it look like Sam’s behaved inappropriately in front of students, she hacks the foundation website to reveal Rikki’s true identity. Faster than the blink of a shutter, Rikki’s focus changes from pursuing her full-color future to the black and white necessity of clearing Sam’s name.

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Review by Mazzy Boss Lady

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received an arc in exchange for an honest review

Once you start reading this book, it draws you in from the very first page. The characters were easily related to as they were not too fictionalised.
There is drama, and love all you need in a contemporary romance.
A read that was easy to read and well written

View all my reviews

Sam’s attention wandered yet again off the homework papers he was supposed to be correcting. The universal law of gravitation wasn’t nearly as riveting as the memory of Rikki Salerno wearing a purple jacket and tight running shorts in the early morning sunlight. He’d resisted the urge to wrap her in his arms when he’d run up on her in the park that morning. A fiery halo had lit her hair, glints of red winking in her messy ponytail. The sight of her when she turned back toward town and ran ahead of him! He’d have been happy to follow her for all twenty-six miles of a marathon. But, his need to talk to her overruled his desire to watch her spectacular behind, so he’d quickened his pace to catch her.
Rikki had tensed when he’d started ranting about Marguerite Sims. Without knowing how, he’d made her angry again. He didn’t understand it, but she seemed defensive when he’d made disparaging remarks about her boss. He was going to have to watch his comments about the pampered princess when he was around Rikki.
And, if wishes did come true, there would be a whole lot of around Rikki time. Her image in his mind’s eye—exotic, interesting, and intriguing, all wrapped up in one sexy package…. He fidgeted in his hard teacher’s chair, suddenly uncomfortable with the tightness of his khakis. Thank God, there weren’t any students in the room. That’d be a hell of a thing to explain to a bunch of horny teens.

Purchase Links

 Amazon| Barnes & Noble| iTunes | Kensington| Kobo

 Thank you for inviting me over today to visit. I’m excited to share a little bit about myself and my recent release, Exposed To Passion, Book #3 in the Five Senses Series. In the story, my characters live in a small rural community outside Boston. It’s a town created from my own imagination. I’ve loved working on the series and expanding the confines of the town. I’ve got it fixed in my mind how it looks and the prime features of it. I’d like to be able to visit it in person at some point. But since it’s made up, that won’t ever happen. Instead, let me tell you about which cities are on my list of places where I can actually play tourist.

Edinburgh, Scotland. I lived in the UK for a few years and never got to go north. I wanted to cross the remnants of Hadrian’s Wall, and walk through the streets of  Holyrood Castle. This city tops my bucket list.

I’d love to see all four of the cities where they hold the Tennis Open tournaments. I’ve been to Wimbledon (London) and Roland Garros (Paris), but Melbourne (Australia) and Forest Hills (New York) remain on my list of cities to visit.

I’d love to visit Lake Tahoe in summer or winter. I’m not a big skier, and I realize that’s part of the attraction. But I love just walking in snow, so I’d be okay. As long as there was hot chocolate or mulled wine.

Albuquerque, New Mexico. I think the best time to go would be during the hot air balloon festival. The sight would be awe-inspiring.

Zorzoi Di Sovramonte, Italy. It’s a small village northeast of Venice, and the birthplace of my namesake, my grandmother Gemma. A large church sits a top of hill, dominating the village. The pictures I’ve seen of village are breathtaking. My grandmother talked about growing up in Italy during the first World War. I don’t really remember her stories, but I’ve been lucky that my father recorded a conversation they had about her life. We recently transferred the recording from cassette tape to CD. Hearing her voice after all these years was magic. It made me want to fly right over for a visit with any relatives remaining in the area.

What city would you like to visit?

~ About the Author ~

Gemma Brocato
Gemma's favorite desk accessories for many years were a circular wooden token, better known as a 'round tuit,' and a slip of paper from a fortune cookie proclaiming her a lover of words; some day she'd write a book. All it took was a transfer to the United Kingdom, the lovely English springtime, and a huge dose of homesickness to write her first novel. Once it was completed and sent off with a kiss, even the rejections addressed to 'Dear Author' were gratifying.

After returning to America, she spent a number of years as a copywriter, dedicating her skills to making insurance and the agents who sell them sound sexy. Eventually, her full-time job as a writer interfered with her desire to be a writer full-time and she left the world of financial products behind to pursue an avocation as a romance author.  

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hosting Exposed To Passion today and for letting me share the places I'd like to visit. Until I'm rich and famous, I'll have to settle for traveling to these location in books. Thanks also to Literati Authors Services for arranging this appearance.
