Lost Kings MC # 2
Lost Kings MC # 2
By: Autumn Jones Lake
Releasing December 2nd, 2014
Can a lawyer and a criminal
maintain an enduring romantic relationship?
Hope and Rock care deeply for one another, the truth is they come from
completely different worlds. Add to that the fact that they are also both
headstrong people, and they have a very rough road ahead of them.
Rock that means introducing Hope to what it really means to be part of his
brutal and shady world, where the Lost Kings Motorcycle Club is his main focus.
For Hope it means accepting the things she can’t change, and understanding that
Rock is a man who will do anything to keep her safe.
Rock continues to draw Hope deeper into his world, painful misunderstandings
and opposition from the members of his club will threaten to drive them apart.
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Review by Nadia Chief Obsessive Pimpette
~*~ Obsessed by Books arc copy given in exchange for an honest review~*~
It's rare I am lost for words but this is one of those moments...this is not what I was expecting. You read the blurb and expect typical MC fare but this is so much more. This is a heart achingly beautiful love story describing the difficulties of melding two very different lifestyles. Rock is the President of Lost Kings MC, his world is violent and illegal. He is in love with Hope, a Lawyer, who he hopes to make part of his world. The transitional period of the relationship, the ups and downs, self doubts and worries are explored.
This book is very realistic as Hope questions whether she is good enough but doesn't try to become a MC typical Old Lady or Club Whore, she remains classy. Hope stays faithful to her upbringing and nature but calmly rationalizes the lengths Rock goes to for his club. She balances what he is with who he is to her. Likewise Rock has to juggle his club duties and tests the loyalty of some with his chosen Old Lady. Their relationship is fraught with issues that can't be swept under the carpet as two polar opposites collide.
The supporting characters such as Trinity, my all time favourite club whore, Wrath and Z all made me sad that I haven't got the next books in the series to read now! They are loveable characters and I can't wait go get to their stories. This installment is full of excitement and the plot is fast paced, filled with the right amount of tension and danger. I loved it! A four star read.
an only child, Autumn kept herself entertained by making up all sorts of
stories. For a long time, life and school dimmed her enthusiasm for creative
writing. But as soon as she rediscovered her love of storytelling, she put her
fingers to the keyboard and hasn’t looked back.
favorite books to read are mystery, thrillers, horror, romance, erotica and
urban fantasy. Her favorite thing to write is romance. All of her stories have
to include a hunky hero and an optimistic ending.
she’s not writing, Autumn spends time listening to music, going to concerts,
and driving her family nuts. She enjoys reading, gardening, acting, and
collecting nail polish. (Her husband says she shouldn’t be allowed to include
gardening in her list of hobbies, because she makes him do all the work, but
that’s not relevant.)
lives in Upstate New York with her husband and their three rescue dogs. She is
actively involved with several dog rescue groups and her local RWA chapter.
Kings Book #1
Jones Lake
This excerpt
is a two-in-one. The first piece is from Slow Burn (Lost Kings #1) and the
second part is from Corrupting Cinderella (Lost Kings #2).
trouble," she whispers.
You know it deep down, doll. You deserve someone good, honest, and clean. I am
none of that. I can't give you those things."
not true."
it? Think hard, Hope."
blinks twice. "You’re good to me."
sigh like a sad sack. "Baby, I’m such a selfish bastard for trying to draw
you into my world. I don’t want any ugliness to seep into your life."
made me happier than I’ve been in so long."
how much longer, doll? I’m never going to be a man who slips into a suit and
tie and takes you to some lawyer function. I mix with the regular world only
when it's required. I don't have patience for small talk and bullshit."
quick to shake her head. "But I don’t care about that stuff. I never
gaze wanders over her beautiful face, drinking in every perfect feature.
"But I will expect you to spend time in my world, around the MC. That’s my
family, my life. It’s not fair, but it’s the way it is. I will protect you with
my life, and my brothers in the club? They will also keep you safe. Just
because you’re mine."
glistened in her eyes. Fuck, I hadn’t meant to make her cry.
Are you with me?"
with you."
you crying, doll?"
scared. You sound like you’re letting me go."
Corrupting Cinderella
you wanna stay up at the clubhouse or at my house Thursday?”
her caseload is still small, Hope’s been taking Fridays off, so we normally
spend the night together at one of those two places. Now that the clubhouse is
free of girls itching to harass her, she seems more comfortable spending time
there, which in turn makes my life easier.
walks into the living room, nervously twisting her hands. “I, uh, have a thing
to go to Thursday night.”
tone puts me on alert, and I sit up. “What kind of thing?”
waves her hand in the air. “A lawyer thing. For Mara’s husband? The judge? I
normally wouldn’t go—I hate those things—but she asked me to, so…”
mean Sophie’s going too?”
Something about the way she answers sparks my interest.
going together?”
I’m going with Mara’s friend, Ross. You’ve met him. He uh, isn’t really ‘out’
in the legal community. So, Mara used to go to these things as his date, but
you know, since she’s married now, she asked me if I’d go with him.”
have met Ross. Still, something about her going as someone else’s date, no
matter the reason, bothers me.
said you don’t do those type of things, so that’s why I didn’t ask,” she says
it is. That’s why I feel like shit. She’s right. I did make a big point of
telling her I would never escort her to something like that. And fuck, I meant
Christ, when I think of the amount of time she’s spent with me in my world, all
the shit she’s put up with from the people in my club, doing that stuff because
I needed her to. . .is escorting her to some stupid party really that big a
deal? In the entire time we’ve been together, this is the first time she’s gone
to one of these things. It’s not like she does it all the time.
been silent for so long thinking this through that Hope drops her hands and
returns to the kitchen where she was preparing dinner. She gives up, just like
she’s embarrassed to be seen with me at that type of event? Even with long
sleeves and a collared shirt, traces of my ink will be visible.
no, she’s introduced me to her friends. By accident mostly. Even the invitation
to Jonny’s show came unintentionally, because I happened to be sitting next to
her when Sophie sent the invite. My girl never asks me to spend time with her
friends, but I’m always making her spend time with mine. Fuck, she never
demands anything from me.
I haven’t completely given her yet.
off the couch, I find her in the kitchen stirring sauce over the stove.
turning, she answers with a soft, “Thanks.”
I’ll go with you Thursday.”
shoulders sag, not exactly the reaction I expected. “It’s okay. It’ll be boring.
Clay never went with me to that type of stuff either. It’s not a big deal. I’m
used to it.”
not crazy enough to think I’m in competition with her dead husband or anything.
Still, her admission pushes me forward. Setting my hands on her shoulders, I
pull her back from the stove. She drops the wooden spoon she was using on the
counter and turns in my arms.
deep green eyes stare up at me with concern. “What’s wrong, Rochlan?”
so serious all of a sudden. Maybe she doesn’t want me there.
give her truth.
want to take you.”
lets out a soft sigh. “Why? You can’t possibly be jealous of Ross. You’ve met
her cheeks with my hands, I draw her gaze up to meet mine. “It’s not a jealousy
thing. You’ve been so agreeable about spending time doing stuff with me, it’s
only fair I return the favor.”
clouds her pretty face, and she looks down at the floor.
not our deal. I knew your role as President meant I’d have to spend time at the
club. You were upfront with me that you didn’t do suits, ties, and schmoozing.
I agreed it was okay. I have no right to complain about it now.”
how she’s twisting the knife in my heart, and she doesn’t even realize it.
Throwing my words back at me without any venom. She’s completely honest and
not asking me, sweetheart. I’m offering. I should do this for you.”
glances up, and I get a glimpse of cautious optimism that cements my decision.
at this stupid fancy-pants place. You’ll hate it.”
that your way of asking me if I own a suit?” I tease.
corners of her mouth twitch up. “No.”
“You worried your judge friend won’t want me
there because of my record?”
tilts her head as if the thought never occurred to her, and a slight frown
darkens her face. “No. It’s not like they’re going to do a background check at
the door.”
gonna be embarrassed if I can’t cover all my ink?”
tilts her head to the side, and a hint of a naughty smile curves her lips. “No.
It’s sexy, since I’ll be the only one there who gets to see the full picture.”
doesn’t that answer excite the fuck outta me.
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