Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Unscripted by Christy Pastore @christypastore

Title: Unscripted

Author: Christy Pastore

Date of Publication: December 9th 2014

“His gaze on me was intense, I couldn’t look away. I felt as if I was revealing my entire soul to him in this moment.”
The range of emotions I had experienced with Ronan felt like a topsy-turvy spinning roller coaster. Suddenly I was awake for the first time in what felt like years. Every fiber of my being was filled with heated desire, passion, lust and fear, and all I wanted was more… more of everything, more of him. How had I just lived these past few years only going through the motions? But, as glorious as all of this was, was I kidding myself? Could it be real? Or just a moment in time - a few days of thrilling and scary excitement rolled into one? The moment before you hit that first big drop on your favorite coaster, you fall, and then it's over.
This isn’t your typical Hollywood fairy tale where the typecast ordinary girl next door meets the famous handsome actor and they fall in love. Despite the emotional and physical scars that serve as reminders of Holliday Prescott’s past, she has evolved into a strong young woman. Ronan Connolly has loved and lost, but he’s never been in love. The weight of Hollywood’s expectations and the scripted games people play have left him bruised but not broken.
He's always followed everyone else's script and she wrote her own. That was until fate swept in with other plans.
MATURE CONTENT  - This story contains sexually explicit material and is intended for mature individuals over the age of eighteen.

 How did you come up with the idea for this story?

The story for Unscripted was an idea that transpired from a dream. I woke up with this fantastic idea for a story, and I immediately put notes on paper somewhere around two in the morning. The next day I went in to my office, checked my notes and just started typing away. The story flew from my mind so quickly—the whole process was amazing.

Where do you find your inspiration? 

Sometimes getting inspired to write is as simple as talking to one of my fellow author friends or even re-reading some of the story I have written. Music, fashion, pop-culture, film and photography all inspire my writing. Some days, just hovering around Pinterest sparks inspiration. I will see a quote or a picture that sets the wheels of creativity in motion.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

You mean besides staying off social media and just focusing on writing!!?? Sometimes, I think I don't always let myself go. I have a comfort zone that often times I am afraid to venture out of… then with a few shoves from my most trusted Beta Reader and Editor, I do, and it ends up being great!

What are your current projects? 

So many projects happening! I am in the midst of working on a novella for Fifteen Weekends (my debut novel)... it will be something special for the fans of the series. Earlier this fall, I put together some notes for a sequel to Fifteen Weekends that will be told from Emily's POV. I know that readers are excited to hear more of her story. I already have five chapters completed for the second book in The Scripted Series.

Tell us about your first book. What would readers find different about the first one and your most recent published work?

My debut novel, Fifteen Weekends was released earlier this year. Simply, it's a twisty sexy story that follows the lives of three unique women: Ashleigh, Emily and Amanda. Each one is trying to overcome adversity while finding their way. You can expect lots of descriptive details such as fashion, places and spaces. It's a tale of revenge and forgiveness, of changing and moving on. It's a real, human romance novel that will make you laugh and keep you guessing.  Fifteen Weekends is told in third person and it is much “tamer” than Unscripted as far as the romance goes—this book is far more erotic.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

There are a few themes readers will take away from Unscripted. The main message will be pretty obvious, and it will come from our heroine, Holliday Prescott. I think readers will love her strength, maybe even identify with her character on certain levels.

Does music play any type of role in your writing?

Absolutely! Music is a huge part of my writing. I have playlists for each of the books I have written. Music for me just adds another layer to the story. Most of the songs remind me of a certain scene or just happened to be playing while I wrote the book. Sometimes I will listen to a song over and over for inspiration. Songs from Coldplay, U2, Snow Patrol, The Fray and Blake Shelton all made their way to the playlist for Unscripted.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your life?

Nope, Unscripted from beginning to end was a story I just made up. Now Fifteen Weekends on the other hand, each of the female characters in that book were influenced by several women I have met throughout my life.

What books have influenced your life most?

Captivating storytelling is one reason I am big fan of the romantic suspense genre. Sidney Sheldon’s books have stayed with me over the years. There is something hypnotic about his writing. Michael Crichton is an ingenious storyteller, and there is no better example of that than his book, Disclosure.  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn –  what can I say – I loved this book from beginning to end. Gone Girl was such a mind trip, it actually inspired me to write the suspenseful parts in my first book. When an Author can surprise me in more ways that I ever thought, you have found a fan girl for life.

Are there any new authors that have grasp your interest?

As a matter of fact, I’ve been fortunate enough to connect with a group of newbie Indie Authors, like myself whom are all trying to navigate through this crazy emotional business. We all support one another—professionally and personally. The bonus is that I’ve developed wonderful friendships with these women— Rachel Blaufeld, TC Matson, Fabiola Francisco, KL Shandwick, Terrie Lyndie, Salem Archer, Susan Ward, Nicky D. White and C J Wells {Christa Gibbs and Jill Syed}.

Can you share a little of your current work with us?
A few quotes I love:
1.      You’re never going to have to tell that story to anyone or another man ever. I’m the last one. You’re mine, Holliday— my beauty.” 

2.    Ronan pulled me by the back of my hair, “Look at me, Holliday.” My eyes darted to his, and a thousand emotions flickered inside me. We stared into each other’s eyes, recognizing the same powerful connection— a bond. This man, a stranger to me just over a week ago, had become deeply etched into my life in a very short time. How can this be possible?

3.    My eyes fluttered open to find Ronan staring at me. He must have been watching me sleep. That’s pretty romantic, right? Ronan propped himself up on his elbow, caressing the curve of my body. “I love your body, Holliday. The pleasure of physically driving you insane and out of your beautiful mind is all mine.”

4.    “Ronan, will you hurry up and get back to Manhattan. My body needs yours.”
He whispered hotly, “I can’t stand being apart from you. I’d love nothing more than to be in bed with you, fucking you,” he sighed. “I wish my hands were on your body instead of this damn phone.”
“I need to be fucked, Ronan.”
“Oh, my beauty, I intend to fuck, suck and lick you, not necessarily in that order, when I return to you.”
5.                “How serious were you about the wearing no panties rule when you’re not around?”
            “I don’t know.” He flashed a devilish grin. Then he leaned into me, whispering into my ear, “Why don’t you try it again my beauty and see what happens.”

6.    Trailing his tongue against my skin, he whispered, “Are you sure you don’t want to fuck me?” He moved my hand and placed it over his cock— rock hard. Kissing down my chin and gently sucking on my neck, I gripped him tighter.
“Tell me what you want, Holliday,” he prompted, caressing my thighs shoving my dress up to my waist.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Thank you! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your kindness and support, you all mean the world to me.

How can readers discover more about you and your work?

Social media – I am always on Facebook {https://www.facebook.com/ChristyPastoreAuthor}, Instagram {http://instagram.com/christypastore} and Twitter (https://twitter.com/christypastore} . It’s kind of a ridiculous obsession—pretty sure I may need rehab one day. Readers can always chat with me or ask questions. Most likely you’ll find me talking about the hotness that is, Richard Madden or Chris Pine. You can find me on Pinterest too, I’ve created boards for both of my books, complete with character inspiration, items you might find in Holliday’s closet and Ronan’s favorite whiskey brand.

Do you have a special time to write? How is your day structured writing-wise?

I write when an idea sparks… mostly I am freshest for writing in the morning. However as you know, writing is not a 9-5 job. It’s a 24/7, 7 days a week constant. If I am working on a new book I find that 10pm to 3am is usually the best time to write… the sounds of silence are best.

Why did you choose to write [genre] stories?

I write stories, I’d love to read. I think most Authors feel that way. Guilty pleasure books are my favorite, books with lots of drama, almost like a soap opera. Suspense is another element that readers will enjoy in my books. I have to have more than just “hot steamy sex” in my stories.

What is for you the perfect book hero?

I love a man in a suit or one who dresses well…he’ll have a white collar job {that whole commands both the boardroom and bedroom is sexy} or he will be famous… he’ll have a naughty yet playful side… he will be passionate about life and love, most likely he will have an accent, but not always.

When you start a book, do you already have the whole story in your head or is it built progressively?

I usually have the whole story in my head. I definitely have a beginning, middle and end planned out—for Unscripted there were three scenes that ended up making the final cut that were not part of my original script.  And they are good ones.

When and why did you begin writing?

When I was younger, I would make up stories and write them down in notebooks. I had stacks and stacks of notebooks filled with short stories. The stories were generally about groups of friends who loved fashion, travelling and had boy crazy crushes.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I first considered myself a writer when I landed an internship with a popular celebrity gossip blog. I had been there a few months when the site wanted to change up some of their content and move away from solely featuring “celeb gossip.” I pitched my ideas for new features and they liked them so much they made me a twice weekly featured columnist.  

List three books you have recently read and would recommend.

·         “Debt Inheritance” by Pepper Winters - This book was a mind trip…it was unlike anything I had ever read.
·         “Smoldered” by Rachel Blaufeld – If you read one book this year make it Smoldered! I loved Asher and Natalie’s story!!!
·         “Moondance in Red” by Salem Archer – Hands down one of the sexiest and funniest books I have ever read. Mason Reid is so hot… five panty melting stars. 

Tell us something that people would be surprised you know how to do.

The first “vehicle” I learned to drive was a backhoe… haven’t operated one in years, but I’m fairly certain I could still drive one with ease. 

Will you write more about these characters?

Absolutely! I love Ronan and Holliday, and I know readers will too!


 unScripted Excerpts
1.       From Chapter Nine
 The sleek black limo arrived at the gala just in time so that Ronan could walk the red carpet. He asked if I was ready to be photographed on his arm, and I declined. I honestly didn’t think it was a good idea. He understood, but I could tell that a twinge of disappointment rushed over him.
                “I have a surprise for you tonight,” he said, smiling warmly at me while twirling the diamond and platinum bracelet he’d bought for me with his long fingers.
                “What is it?” I giggled.
                “Mr. Connolly, sir, they’re ready to take you to the red carpet now,” Dean’s husky voice said over the intercom.
                “Okay, I’m ready. Open the door in ten.” Brushing the back of his hand over my cheek, he kissed me. I gripped his arm as his hands drifted to my neck, deepening our kisses. I gently shoved his shoulder, saying, “You’re going to be late.”
                “I’m already late.” He grinned.
                He let go of me, and I hurriedly went towards the front of the limo so that no one would see me. Ronan smoothed his tie, the door opened and he stepped out. His PR team quickly ushered him out of the limo and up the steps to the media frenzy. I heard the screams and the chanting of his name which made me anxious and excited all at once. I felt my heart skip a beat when he was swept up in the swarm of photographers, and I could no longer see his gorgeous silhouette.

2.       From Chapter Two

                The shiny chrome doors parted revealing a private foyer with an elegant chandelier hanging from the ceiling. When the white lacquered door to the penthouse opened I felt like all the air had been sucked out from my lungs. I thought I might have stumbled onto a movie set. Candles lit up the entire room and jazz music poured through the speakers. I noticed a large black grand piano in the corner of the room, along with a stunning floor to ceiling marble slab fireplace. The drapes were pulled back from the giant picture window in the living room, revealing the illuminated Manhattan skyline as snow poured down from the sky. Everything in the room was beige and white with accents of gold and silver. I couldn’t have dreamed of a more romantic setting.
                 Candles? Music? Champagne? Was Ronan Connolly trying to seduce me?
                He stood near the bar and popped the cork on the champagne. The noise caught me off-guard and made me jump. Ronan was dressed in a sleek navy blue suit with a white collared shirt— the first few buttons were undone. He is too hot for his own good. He is too hot for my own good. I could be easily seduced by this sexy man in the blue suit. Careful to remain calm I did not show any starry-eyed emotion, only coolness.
3.       From Chapter 3
I pulled back breathless and he grinned at me wickedly, gently brushing his tongue over his bottom lip. God, he smelled good. His eyes flared with heat. Ronan forcefully yanked my coat back, pushing it over my shoulders and down my arms. I could feel my breasts swell. My scarf was the next thing to be freed from my body. Wrapping one arm around my waist and cupping my chin in his other hand, he stroked my cheek with his thumb, moving his soft firm lips to mine, letting out a soft growl into my mouth. That was hot as hell.
                “Holliday, you have no idea how many times I’ve wondered what it would be like to kiss you. You’ve been damn near the only thing on my mind for what seems like days,” he said while gently caressing my cheek with his long fingers. Ronan skimmed each one over my lips carefully as I scanned his beautiful face, studying every line and angle. My breathing escalated— all I could hear was the thundering of my heartbeat in my ears.
                “I’ve been having wickedly inappropriate thoughts about you, Holliday.”

 Review by Wendy Obsessive Pimpettes

* * * * obsessed by books arc given for an honest review * * *
Holiday was minding her own business one day when she notices these two lovely girls who seem to be without a parent, trying to figure out where they belong, she hears the sexest voice in the world Ronan Connolly Hollywood's hottest movie star. there is somthing about a single dad that's sexy and Ronan possessed that sexiness 100%. Holiday and Ronan hit it off right off the bat. They both hold this passion for each other, that is sexy as hell . Ronan feels the need to protect Holiday when she breaks down and tells Ronan about her being raped and tortured. He's loving and is alpha in every way staking his claim on his woman. I really enjoyed this book, I just wish Ronan would leave her past where it belonged in the past. Can't wait for book two, hope we get to see more of the girls.

Review by Mariska Obsessive Pimpette

~*~ Obsessed by Books copy given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

I loved and hated this book at the same time. Something about Holliday put me off a bit. I liked the story line and what Christy has created between these two. Its hard to give an honest review without giving away too many spoilers. Holliday deserves someone to look after her and that will let go of her past, and not meddle with it.I like that Holliday likes to be independent and that her past has made her a much stronger woman. But she needs to let someone that care for her do exactly that, take care of her. We are left with a cliffhanger and I really wanted to know what comes next. So there is no way you will be able to miss the next book. Hopefully we will get more POV's from Ronan to see what type of person he sees himself as and what type of person he really is, rather through Holliday's eyes.

I look forward to the next book and am sure the characters will grow on me a little more and hopefully we will get to know the girls a little better too

About Christy Pastore

Writer Christy Pastore grew up in the lakeside community of Syracuse, Indiana writing short stories that usually involved characters who loved to travel, had a passion for fashion and were often times swept up in boy crazy crushes. Many of her first stores also dealt with coming of age situations with their best girlfriends.
Christy gave up reading books for several years, disillusioned with the annoying characters and predictable plot lines. Upon the recommendation of a friend, Christy picked up a much buzzed about popular romance novel which reminded her of why reading was such an enjoyable guilty pleasure.
Writing has been a constant in Christy’s life, leading her to create a popular fashion blog, Fashion Wrap Up. This endeavor allowed Christy to have the wonderful experience of working and collaborating with many talented models, designers, makeup artists and photographers in the Fashion Industry. While Pastore still writes about fashion and celebrity style in her spare time, her passion for story development, more specifically creative writing, publishing and content creation has taken her on a new journey and career path: Author.
Her debut novel, Fifteen Weekends will be out May 2014 just in time for you to add it to your summer reading list.
Additionally, Christy enjoys a nice glass of Sauvignon Blanc, a warm cup of coffee, Gummi Bears, traveling and tweeting her thoughts on her favorite TV shows.
Christy and her husband Kevin currently reside in St. Louis, Missouri in the popular Italian Neighborhood, The Hill, with their two lovable dogs and cooler than cool cat.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Obessed by Book Team ~ Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book! Really means so much to me! Thank you for your kind words and excitement for these characters and their romantic story.

    All my best ~ Christy <3
