Reputable fine art broker Sophie Graystone has a knack for acquiring one-of-a-kind artifacts. A seasoned professional, she marches to the beat of her own drum and takes direction from no one.
Lt. Dagan “Rebel” Caldwell, ex-Army Ranger and investigator for Alpha Four, is driven by an iron will to succeed and is talented in the ability to convince others to conform. He soon learns that he has met his match in one certain female.
Assigned to investigate several attempted thefts of Sophie’s paintings, Rebel’s skill and talent are sorely tested when Sophie challenges him at every turn, aggravating and arousing him in the process. Desperate to get his man, Rebel uses her rebellion as a secret weapon, hoping to win her heart in the process.
Links to Buy:
Amazon: http://amzn.to/1Eu50zp
B&N: http://amzn.to/179PQEe
iBooks: http://bit.ly/17zecZj
Smashwords: http://bit.ly/1uWGZRD
Review by Ally Obsessive One Clicker
* I received an ARC for an honest review from "Obsessed by Books"*
I really enjoyed this short fun little story. This was the a first for me by this author Mia Dymond. The characters were great, the story was also good and relaxing.
Sophie is an art dealer who likes to collect priceless art. She is attacked at one of the fundraisers by an unknown assailant. Her father is a senator and ask for help from Alpha Four team a military security unit.
One of the member's from Alpha Four is hired to protect Sophie. His name is Rebel he is an all sexy alpha male.
Looking forward to the next one. Love the sexy men from Team Alpha Four.
I really enjoyed this short fun little story. This was the a first for me by this author Mia Dymond. The characters were great, the story was also good and relaxing.
Sophie is an art dealer who likes to collect priceless art. She is attacked at one of the fundraisers by an unknown assailant. Her father is a senator and ask for help from Alpha Four team a military security unit.
One of the member's from Alpha Four is hired to protect Sophie. His name is Rebel he is an all sexy alpha male.
Looking forward to the next one. Love the sexy men from Team Alpha Four.
Guest Post
Greetings from the hot and humid state of Oklahoma! My name is Mia Dymond and I write sexy contemporary romance novels with a twist of sass. I currently have fourteen novels available on retailers including iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, Amazon, and Smashwords.
My most recent release is Treasure Me, Book in the Alpha Four series. Alpha Four is a tough, no-nonsense group of ex-Army Rangers with muscles of stone and hearts of gold. Book one is the story of Lt. Dagan “Rebel” Caldwell and Sophie Graystone, a couple who clashes at every turn with the need for control. I hope you’ll enjoy the rocky journey they travel to fall in love. Please enjoy an excerpt:
Once Rebel held two steaming cups of coffee, he headed back to the table and sat beside her. Much to his relief, she wasted no time in touching him. She wrapped one hand around her cup, and wrapped the other around his forearm, her fingers drawing lazy circles against his skin.
“I’m curious,” she said as her fingers taunted the nerves beneath his skin, “how did you get your nickname?”
He chuckled low under his breath. Curiosity was a good start.
“Curious, huh?”
She nodded.
“I’ve never been one to follow protocol.”
“In the Army?”
“In life. I enlisted in an act of rebellion.”
“Is that a decision you regret?”
“Not in the least. Thunder, Chaos, and Ace made it all worthwhile.”
“You guys are close.”
“I take it there are several stories behind those nicknames too.”
He nodded without elaboration.
“So,” she prompted, “tell me about your team.”
“Can’t do that.”
“Confidential. I’d have to silence you if I told you and I’m not sure that’s possible.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I’m confident you’d find a way to challenge my methods.”
“You’d be disappointed if I didn’t.”
He snickered, aroused as hell by the fact that she didn’t hesitate before she fired right back at him. No doubt, she’d challenge him alright and she was absolutely correct when she responded – disappointed didn’t begin to describe his feelings.
“Thunder assembled Alpha Four when he retired from the Army. It only took three phone calls to build a team.”
“The four of you are very loyal.”
He nodded. “There’s just something about fighting evil that brings a team together.”
“Do you think about it often?”
He hesitated, weighing the decision to answer her. He’d seen a whole lot of evil during his military tours, things that he’d never share with her. Yet, thanks to Uncle Sam and Thunder, he’d learned to file it so far away that even memory couldn’t find it.
He glanced down at her fingers, still rubbing circles on his forearm and distracting him from answering her question. Her soft, gentle touch caused the nerves under his skin to quiver with excitement. What in the hell had she asked?
“I can’t concentrate when you do that.”
Her brow furrowed. “Do what?”
He glanced down at her fingers. “That. You’re driving me crazy.”
“Oh, really?”
Before he could stop himself, he nodded. Oh. Hell. So much for never let them see you sweat. He’d pretty much just handed her a whole locker of ammunition.
“Well, then.” She blinked those deep, dark eyelashes several times as her fingers continued their assault. “Perhaps you should answer my question.”
“I mean, no I don’t think about the evils in my past often. Alpha Four gives me plenty to think about.”
“Are you in danger?”
“Not always. Sometimes our assignments are as mundane as installing a security system.”
“Other times you put your life on the line for someone else.”
“Like me.”
“Well, no one’s tried to kill you …. yet.” He gave her hand a slight squeeze, buying a second of courage for his next comment. “But I’d put my life on the line for you without a second thought.”
I hope you’ll enjoy Treasure Me! Happy Reading!!!About The Author

Mia Dymond I write contemporary romance novels with sexy, alpha males and females with attitude to boot. I live in a zoo,hold down a full time job, and am trying to coax my creative muse from her cage. So BEWARE, the madness may rub off on you! ~ Facebook
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