Monday, 13 April 2015

Gods and Monsters Jani Kay: Release Day Blitz @bookempirepromo @janikaybooks #Gods&Monsters #Oneclickthatbitch #Cobrahasaneviltwin

Happy Release Day to Jani Kay with of Gods & Monsters, Book Three of the Scorpio Stinger Series. Check out Cobra & Mia’s Story.

BOOK: Gods & Monsters
AUTHOR: Jani Kay
SERIES: Scorpio Stinger MC – Book Three
RELEASE DATE: April 13th, 2015

 I never look in a mirror. I don’t need to. If I want to see what I look like, I just look at my twin. Daemon and I are identical in every way — from the outside. That’s where it ends.
Born five minutes after me, my brother hates that he came second. It irks him that I breathed life into my lungs first. Ever since he’s been trying to steal everything I have. Everything I love.
To own it first.
Until the day I, Cobra Malone, become president of the Scorpio Stinger MC. I throw him out like the garbage he is. Rotten filth won’t be able to taunt me any longer.
How wrong I am.
Evil knows no barriers. It stops at nothing. It won’t rest until it gets what it wants. And he wants what is mine. MINE. He wants my woman. My air. My reason for living.
I’ll die before I let him take Mia from me.
Will this be a battle to the end? Till the last man is left standing?
When two wills this strong clash, there will be chaos . . . and blood.
Who will win? The God or The Monster?

Review by Emma Mistress of all Dark & Twisted

Gods & Monsters by Jani Kay is a different book to the previous Scorpio Stingers MC series, this one is much darker and more personal than the usual high drama and passion fuelled novels. This is book 3 in the series and in order to truly enjoy this book I'd recommend reading the prior books.

This book goes back to the current Scorpio Stingers MC Prez's childhood. We see how Cobra Malone became the man he is today as his past and the MC's are intrinsically linked along with how his twin Daemon who was exposed and brought up the same way was always his opposite and constant cross to bear. Plus, Jani provides the history we've all been wanting about Mia and Cobra's beginnings and the events that led up to their son Jamie's kidnapping in book 2.

We see how Cobra and Mia had an instant connection upon meeting but was a relationship that was filled with danger and conflict from the start. Jani asks the question throughout this book can you defy obligations, family and loyalty and even your own blood and still get to keep what you've always wanted or will the monster inside you have to be unleashed to keep what you rightfully see as yours??

I enjoyed this walk in the dark side by Jani. You felt the emotions pouring off the page from Mia and Cobra; their lust, love and anguish. I can't say more as I don't want to ruin your experience for you of seeing if Daemon or Cobra will win the battle of what they both see as theirs and what brotherhood really means to the Scorpion Stingers MC members when faced with some difficult choices.

** reviewed on behalf of Obsessed by Books blog **


Review by Nadia Chief Obsessive Pimpette

~*~ Obsessed by Books arc given in exchange for an honest review ~*~

"He deserved to die. Under Cobra's hand, he'd wish he was never born. Cobra would show no mercy this time to leave him breathing."

This Scorpio Stinger book focuses on Cobra, Mia and their beginnings. Their high octane, risk filled past has been alluded to several times by Ryder in previous books and we finally learn why Ryder at times has felt hurt by Cobra's attitude to Princess. Written mainly in a dual pov we watch as the attraction sparks into life between two star crossed kids and bursts into a wild fire that neither one can put out.

Interwoven is the club's present, young Jamie missing, the troubles of the club and the fine balance of power within the MC. We learn how Cobra became the man we first see in the Scorpio Stinger MC, a fierce Prez that will go down swinging for the people he loves. Having been born into a fight he didn't understand Cobra is honed into a killing machine not by choice but through blood. His twin Daemon, born just 5 minutes after him constantly drawing up battle lines. The twins, a perfect reflection of each other, a mirror image and the polar opposite in personality. The sibling rivalry so great that nothing is sacred.

Demon, as he becomes known in the MC, will stop at nothing to exact his revenge and to claim Mia. This is as much his story as it is Cobra's. He is driven by his need to win, to be seen and to matter. Yet he has a dark edge and urges that he fails to ignore. He is a man without limits and morals. Punishing his twin for being born first, for being the better man.

This is a heart wrenching, stomach churning read. From the dusty plains of Mexico to inside the MC walls every page is full of angst and anguish. Mia has been through so much already; a miscarriage, almost losing her husband and her son missing. Yet we learn of how she came to be Cobra's old lady and my heart broke for the young child who was sold for profit and personal gain. For her mother who could save herself but valiantly risked herself for her child. Mia is a remarkable character. Her secret is one that may yet break her, tearing the man she risked everything for away from her.

Gods and Monsters has harrowing scenes and Demon really has no redeeming features, he makes no apology for his nature...he feels justified that the ends justify the means. Although filled with action, drama and peril we also have the passion we are accustomed to in Jani's novels. It's also heart warming to see how strong the brotherhood is and the lengths they are prepared to go to for one another. The MC is a unit, a family. As for brother's...I can't wait to get stuck into Harrison's story!

A Mexican Wave 4.5 star read.


Review by Mazzy Boss Lady

I am always excited when Jani releases a new book, and I wasn't disappointed with this one.

We get to know more about Cobra and his twin Daemon, I have always wondered if Daemon has always been the way he was, and we find out here in this book.

We also get to know about the first meeting between Mia and Cobra and how their love came about.

There are some truly harrowing scenes in this book, and it will really pull at your heartstrings.

It also shows you that even though you are a twin, there also can be a light and a dark side, but it is up to you whether you succumb to it.

I am really looking forward to the next book in the series.


Scorpio Stinger MC Reading Order

Ryder - Prequel Book #0.5
Two Worlds Colliding Book #1
Unchain My Heart Book #2
A Biker Christmas Novella Book #2.5
Gods & Monsters Book #3 Add To Goodreads
Tormented Book #4 Add To Goodreads


Meet Jani Kay

Jani has been married for a long time to a special man, and her two children and their partners are the sunshine in her life. She is a voracious reader and would spend her last dollar on a book - always fascinated that for the mere price of a book, she can escape her world for a while and see through someone else's eyes.

Besides reading, her favorite 'thing' is traveling - she has traveled the world, learning about the ways people live and has come to the realization that no matter where we live, we all ultimately want the same things. Her hobby - Scrapbooking - keeps her up till way after midnight and her usual subjects are her family and her travels.

Ever since she can remember, Jani wanted to write stories about people, about their lives and loves. Relationships and Happiness - arguably the most difficult things to master in life and yet exactly what everyone ultimately desires (in her humble opinion).

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