Friday, 29 May 2015

RELEASE BLITZ : Catch and Release by Ella Fox @authorellafox

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Is it too late for Darby and Trace to have their Happily Ever After?  
Find out in Catch and Release!

ONLY $0.99

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Love endures all things.

Darby McKenzie’s heart started beating funny the day that she met Trace Chamberlain. She was four, he was five, and that meeting altered the course of both their lives forever.

Trace was born into a nightmare. Before meeting Darby and her family, the only love he ever knew was that of his twin brother. The two of them endured years of abuse that left scars. The permanent kind.

For Trace, meeting Darby was like catching a rainbow. She exploded into his life in a pop of Technicolor that awakened his senses. She wasn’t just his best friend—she was his life. His touchstone, his safety, his heart—she was everything.

Darby had been through it all with Trace and her love for him never wavered for a second. But no amount of love could make Trace believe that he was worthy of her. Knowing that she deserved better, Trace pushed her away, when what he really wanted was to pull her closer. Emotionally destroyed and bitter from the back and forth, Darby finally let go and decided to move on.

Sometimes hitting rock bottom is the only way to understand that you need to change. Realizing that losing Darby means losing everything, Trace sets out to fight for the love of his life.

Is it too late for Darby and Trace to have a happily ever after?

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Excerpt #1

“We can talk every day on the phone or by text and Skype, right?” he asked anxiously.
I knew if I said yes, he’d call every day.  Distance would be useless if I didn’t put my foot down.
“Once a week,” I told him.  “Pick a day and we’ll talk then. This is our time to redefine our relationship.”
“I don’t want anything to change,” he complained.  “I don’t want to see less of you or spend six fucking days a week not hearing your voice. Even thinking about doing it makes me feel sick.”

I understood how he felt because I was experiencing all the same anxiety, but I stood my ground.
“This is the way it needs to be for a while,” I answered.  “You can like it or lump it, but I’m not backing down. Call me next Friday.”
When I went to leave, I let him hug me because friends hugged.  I counted off five seconds and then pulled away.  He tried to hold tighter, but I wiggled away.  The benefits of being strong meant that he couldn’t keep me where I didn’t want to be.
“We can’t hug?” he asked in a panicked tone.
“We can,” I said calmly.  “When I hug Tristan, it’s probably a two or three second process.  I gave you five.  Friends don’t hug for minutes at a time unless there’s a crisis.”
“This is a crisis! You’re fucking leaving me.”
I knew then that drawing it out any more was only going to make things worse.  There were times when cutting something short was the way to go, and that moment was one of them.
“This isn’t a crisis,” I refuted calmly.  “This is a reality.  I’ll talk to you next week.  Take care of yourself.”
I kept my chin up as I walked away, and I ignored him when he called out my name three separate times.

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Excerpt #2
You’re playing dirty,” he said huskily.
“Who, me?” I scoffed.  “Never.  What makes you say that?”
He rubbed his hand along the back of his neck as he stared at me, his eyes taking in every inch of my face.
“I don’t know, Darby.  Maybe it’s the fact that you’re naked except for a pair of high heels?  I don’t stand a chance.”
“Oh!” I answered with a laugh as I gestured down at my body.  “This old thing?  This isn’t me playing dirty,” I assured him.
“You don’t think so?”
“No,” I assured him.  “But this is.”
I dropped to my knees without warning, and I smiled as I came face to face with the fact that he had a very visible hard-on.

“This is crazy,” he groaned as I ran my hand over his erection.
“Something like that,” I agreed.
I worked fast to get his tuxedo pants open, quickly pulling them down along with his boxers so that I could grip him.  Gripping his erection, I looked up at him and wiggled my brows suggestively.
“Did you still want to sleep on the couch?”
The pained look that flashed across his face was priceless, and I choked out a laugh as his eyebrows shot up toward his hairline.
“I should go sleep on the couch,” he answered huskily.  “But I can’t.”
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Catch My Fall (Book One)

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Barnes & Noble:


Mia Reeves faith, trust and sense of security were all taken away in the blink of an eye. In need of a fresh start, she settles into a new town and begins to make a new life.

Tristan Chamberlain has always kept girls at arm's length and he has no intention of changing. He’s caring, smart, handsome, but he’s also dealing with a lifetime of guilt that’s slowly but surely destroying him.

Sometimes what you run from is the one thing that will save you.

Separately, they’re both free-falling. Together, they’re about to find that love can create the strongest safety net of all.

About the Author:
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Ella Fox  writes like a woman possessed whenever she gets the chance!  She is the author of The Hart Family Series, The Renegade Saints Series and The Catch Series.

When she’s not writing, Ella indulges the gypsy in her blood and travels the country.  Ella loves reading, movies, music, buying make-up, reading Tmz, Twitter and pedicures… not necessarily in that order. She has a wild sense of humor and loves to laugh.  Her favorite thing in the world is hanging out with her family and watching comedy movies.

Stalk Her: Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Email | Website |

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