Friday, 26 June 2015

KING by T.M. Frazier Book Tour! @TM_Frazier

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Homeless, hungry and desperate enough to steal, Doe has no memories of who she is or where she comes from.

A notorious career criminal just released from prison, King is someone you don’t want to cross unless you’re prepared to pay him back in blood, sweat, pu$$y or a combination of all three.

King’s future hangs in the balance. Doe’s is written in her past. When they come crashing together, they will have to learn that sometimes in order to hold on, you have to first let go.

Warning: This book contains graphic violence, consensual and nonconsensual sex, drug use, abuse, and other taboo subjects and adult subject matter. Although originally slated to be a standalone, KING is now a two part series.

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Excerpt #1 (Not previously released)
“Hey there,” a deep voice rumbled against my ear.
When I turned around, I was eye level with a wall of leather with white patches sewn into it. One read VICE PRESIDENT and the other, BEACH BASTARDS. The man wearing the vest had long blonde hair that draped over to one side of his head, revealing the shaved area beneath. He had a beard, not stubble, a full-on beard that was a few inches long and very well groomed. He stood well over six feet, his frame lean yet very cut and muscular. I couldn’t tell what color his eyes were because his lids hung heavy and were slightly reddened. His entire neck was covered with colorful tattoos and when he went to light a cigarette I noticed that the backs of both of his hands and were covered in ink as well.
“Hey,” I answered back, trying to assert my newly found false confidence.
He was beyond attractive. He was gorgeous. If I had to end up in someone’s bed, I imagined that being in his wouldn’t be half-bad. He sniffled, drawing attention to the light dusting of white powder trapped in his nostrils.
“They call me Bear. You belong to anyone?” he asked seductively, leaning in toward me.
“Maybe…you?” I winced at my choice of words. Of all the fucking things I could have said, THAT was what came to mind? Stupid fucking mouth. Nikki was right. I spoke first and thought second.
Bear chuckled. “I’d love that, beautiful, but I got something else in mind.”
“Oh, yeah? What would that be?” I asked, trying to keep my tone light although my mind and heart were racing.
“This party? It’s for my buddy. And he was down here for a total of thirty minutes before he hightailed it upstairs to drown himself in a bottle of Jack. He’s like a cat in a tree, can’t seem to talk him down. It’s understandable, seeing as he’s been away a while, but I figure you can help me out.”
He hooked his finger into the front of my skirt and slowly dragged me toward him until my nipples were flush up against his chest. He pressed his fingers into the skin right above my public bone and I resisted the urge to jump back by biting down on my bottom lip.
“The BBB’s have never really been his thing.” He paused when he saw the confused look on my face at his abbreviation. “Beach Bastard Bitches.” He explained. “But you? You’re new. You’re different. You’ve got this cute little innocent thing going on, but I know you’re not or you wouldn’t be at this kind of party if that was your deal. I’m thinking he’ll like you.” Bear brushed his lips against the side of my neck. “So maybe you go up there. Make him happy for me. Make little him happy by wrapping those gorgeous lips around his cock for a while. Then when you’re done, bring him back down here to civilization. And maybe later, if you’re a good girl and do what you’re told, we can go back to the clubhouse and have some real fun.” He grazed his teeth along my earlobe. “Think you can you do that for me?”
“Yeah, yeah I can do that,” I said. My skin prickling from his touch. And I could do it.
I think.
“What’s your name anyway?” Bear’s hand slowly traveled up the back of my leg, pushing up my skirt, it came to rest on my ass cheek, which was then exposed to anyone who might have been looking in our direction.
“Doe. My name is Doe,” I breathed.
“Fitting.” He said with a chuckle. “Well, my innocent looking little Doe.” Bear leaned in close and surprised me by planting a soft kiss on the corner of my mouth. His lips were soft, and he smelled like laundry detergent mixed with liquor and cigarettes. I was just beginning to think that the kiss meant that he’d changed his mind and didn’t want me to send me away to his friend, but no such luck. He pulled away abruptly and turned me around by my shoulders so that I was facing the stairs. He swatted me on my ass, propelling me forward. “Up the stairs you go, sweetheart. Last room at the end of the hallway. Be good to my boy, and me and you will get to play later.” He sealed his words with a wink and as I made my way up the stairs I turned back and flashed him a fake smile. I hoped the guy at the end of the hallway was like Bear, because then maybe it wouldn’t be so bad.
Then a thought hit me that had me fighting back the tears that sprung from my eyes with a sudden force that almost took me to my knees.
I’d officially sold myself, and the price was far more than any dollar amount.

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Review by

This book was recommended to me by a friend and I can say that I was really not disappointed.

I was hooked from page one, Doe is a young girl that wakes up in hospital with no memory of who she is. There are no missing person reports and so she is placed in foster care, where in the end she runs away.

Life is hard on the streets especially when you are young and female. She meets Nikki and they forged an unlikely friendship. This leads to a situation that Nikki places them in danger and Doe meets King.

King is a very complexed character that I feel has many sides to him. We see that at a very young age he had to fend for himself, and in that he meets Preppy another child that has had a similar upbringing as he had. A very unlikely close friendship is formed between the two and and a plan is made about how they were going to live their lives. King and Preppy complimented each other, and along with Bear the trio were very close.

King meets Doe and I think he instantly feels something towards her, something he thought he would never feel for anyone.

But King has a secret, that could come back and bite him in the arse concerning Doe.

This is most definitely a dark read, but there are times where you can feel for all characters in this book. There are some serious emotion scenes so have the tissues ready.

I cannot wait for the next book as I really need to know what happens next.


Review by

5 of 5 stars  · 
"I don't want to repeat my innocence. I want the pleasure of losing it all over again."

Doe is lost. Waking up in a hospital bed with no memory of who she was, she becomes a ward of the state as no one has reported her missing. Unable to cope in a facility for unwanted teens she finds herself barely surviving on the streets. Finding a kinda friend in Nikki, an addict willing to use her only commodity to stay high, Doe commits to selling herself in exchange to feel protected from the dangers of being homeless and memory free. Struggling with the concept that the person she was may once more emerge and reclaim her life Doe strives to protect the person she may have been whilst doing what she must to endure. Finding herself at a wild party with bikers Doe is hopeful that someone will take her into their bed and keep her safe until she can figure things out. Her morality kicks in and she chickens out stumbling into something she wasn't prepared ro see. Thrust into the waiting crotch of King, Doe jumps straight from the frying pan into the fire...

King. Swoon, sigh and phwoarrrr...sorry I needed a moment to collect myself. From his opening act of kindness as a kid when he saves Preppy for no other reason than he can't stand a bully King made me sit up and take notice. Released after a three year prison term King has had plenty of time to think and plan. Striving to get what he needs to win the game he is a man with a mission and God help anyone that stands in his way. An innocent looking young woman makes an impression as she literally falls into his lap bit what happens next seals the deal. Playing a cat and mouse game of desire King reveals the many facets of his personality. She has awoken something in him...could that unfamiliar feeling be his heart? King is a tortured soul, bonded through a lifetime of struggle and pain Preppy and King have carved out their success using only their bare hands, wits and determination.

This book had an instant draw as the friendship between King and Preppy was forged in blood and shared misery creating something special. Both characters are intricate and complex and their interactions had me hooked. Not forgetting Bear who adds a little something special into the mix and Preppy's comical yet twisted nature is a highlight too. Doe's secrets which tease her in her dreams are titillating, who is she why was she not missed? The building emotion and sexual chemistry is sizzling. King is every womans wet dream. Dominant, masterful yet driven by his need to protect the ones he love. The scenes between King and Grace are so compassionate. He has a dark side that he presents to the world yet underneath is someone fiercely loyal and brave. The ending of this story had me gasping, wow what an ending! So many many questions. And yes tissues are required too...

A five star oh no she didn't leave it there read.


About the Author:
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T.M. (Tracey Marie) Frazier resides in sunny Southwest Florida with her husband and three feisty fur kids.

She attended Florida Gulf Coast University where she specialized in public speaking. After years working in real estate and new home construction, she decided it was finally time to stop pushing her dreams to the back burner and pursue writing seriously.

In the third grade she wrote her very first story about a lost hamster. It earned rave reviews from both her teacher and her parents.

It only took her twenty years to start the next one.
It will not be about hamsters.

Stalk Her: Website, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, and Goodreads.




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