Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Release Tour for Emerald Virgin by Ravyn Rayne. @blushingravyn


Blushing Books Publishing
Erotic Romance, Dystopia
CONTENT WARNING: Spanking and Erotica

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Emerald – a girl with green eyes and a rarity after the horrific genocide that slaughtered millions. 

After the war, King Gideon rose in power. A lust-filled and greedy king that believed in the power of slavery.

At eighteen, women were required to come before King Gideon and his four sons, to offer themselves as a courtesan. The princes took only those they found most attractive and alluring. The rest were returned to their homes with a brand on their wrist proving they had been through the process and rejected. Ignoring the ritual was punishable by death.

Aria Stone had been kept hidden from the princes and the ceremony, because she was an Emerald. At twenty-three, the royal guards storm her home, murder her mother, and drag her to court. She must face the four princes. 

A dystopian erotic adventure.

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"Your guards murdered my mother, dragged and drugged me from my home. Anything else you wish to know?" Aria asked, short-tempered.

James stepped close enough to feel his breath against her cheek. "I can see your reluctance to be here, but I assure you no harm will come to you, Aria."

It was hard to believe him given the circumstances. Aria crossed her arms defensively. She didn't say a word. There was nothing to say that would please him and make her happy. She wouldn't lie or pretend to care about him when anger ebbed away at her and boiled in her blood. Not when he made Aria think of her mother and asked her about what happened, as if he pretended to care. Unlike the other women here looking for something, she just wanted her freedom returned. Pretending eluded her.


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What inspired you to write your first book?

My first Ravyn Rayne book was inspired by Without A Trace, X-Files, and Fringe. I used to watch a lot of FBI crime dramas and I would write tons of fan fiction. I wanted a book that delve into their relationships a bit more than just on the surface. I love the sexual tension those shows brought but I wanted it to get resolved with steamy sex scenes!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Probably when I was in high school. I spent a lot of time reading books and writing poetry. I didn't really get into writing fiction until I was in college. I'd been reading a ton of fan fiction (and novels) and wanted a crack at it. Once I started, I couldn't stop writing.

What books have influenced your life most?

The Fault In Our Stars, The Handmaid's Tale, The Hunger Games, Number the Stars

If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?

It would definitely be Alta Hensley.

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

I'm not sure how "new" they are, but they are certainly new to me! I've been reading and loving the romance novels by: Elsa Black, Bryony Kildare, Alta Hensley, and Victoria Winters. Next on my list to tackle are Maggie Ryan and Renee Rose.

Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Sometimes finding the right placement for a romantic sex scene can be challenging. Especially if there's a kidnapping involved or the woman is married. You have to make it believable while still retaining your reader and rewarding them for staying with the story.

Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Yes! I always do research, no matter the book. With The Emerald Virgin, I learned a lot about futuristic technology. However, most of that research ended up being useful for later on in the series.

Do you have any advice for other writers?

Write as often and as much as you can. Don't be afraid to let others read it.

Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

I know you have so many choices of books to read, so thank you for choosing one of my novels! I love hearing from each and every one of my readers. Don't be a stranger.

Follow are bloggers/readers who have asked questions of their own.

6 Feet Under Books

5 Favorite Shows (currently on TV)

  1. Outlander
  2. The 100
  3. Reign
  4. Orphan Black
  5. Big Bang Theory

Literary Misfit

  1. Morning Person or Night Owl
  2. Chocolate or Vanilla
  3. Good Guy or Bad Boy
  4. Coke or Pepsi
  5. Wine or Beer
  6. Lights on or Lights off
  7. Chocolate syrup or whipped cream
  8. Comedy or Horror
  9. Boxers or Briefs
  10. Biker or Fighter (MMA)

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Ravyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation, wherever it might be.

Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.

Although BURNING DESIRE is her debut romantic erotica novel, it is not her first published book. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her other books here.

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Follow Ravyn: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

For less steamy reads, you can follow her here: Blog | Facebook | Twitter

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