Tuesday, 11 August 2015

ANCHOR by M. Mabie Cover Reveal @AuthorMMabie



I believe in love at first sight. Now I know soulmates exist. Nothing has ever been easy for us. Every fight, every struggle, has been worth it. I’m stubborn, but what woman isn’t? She’s hard work and I love the overtime. He’s frustrating and unpredictable. I hope he never changes. I love driving her crazy. That’s half the fun. Lou’s sexy curls. Honeybee’s pink nose. He still looks at me like I’m precious and unflawed. She treats me like I’m the center of her world. Our future will be full of happiness. Despite everything, we’re two of the lucky ones. I took the bait. She was a lucky catch. He is the wind in my sail. She’s the anchor that grounds me. The wake our love made is beautiful. Every day I thank God for her. No matter the hurdles, we’ve jumped them side-by-side. No matter the obstacles, we’ve made it through together. For better or for worse, I’d do it again. I’ll love and protect her all the days of my life. We made it. We always will. Anchor-FB-banner Anchor is the third book in the bestselling Wake Series. In this widely anticipated series finale, you'll see Lou and Honeybee get all they've ever wanted and more. Anchor Links Goodreads | Anchor Play list Release date is slated for September 22, 2015. Anchor-PRINT-FOR-WEB Interested readers should start at the beginning:

Bait, Wake #1

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Sail, Wake #2

Amazon US bit.ly/SailAmazonUS Amazon UK bit.ly/SailAmazonUK Amazon CA bit.ly/SailAmazonCA Amazon AUS bit.ly/SailAmazonAUS B&N bit.ly/SailNook iTunes bit.ly/SailiBooks Kobo bit.ly/SailKobo Sail Links Goodreads | Casey's Playlist | Blake's Playlist

M. Mabie Social Links

Goodreads http://bit.ly/1hzmhkk Amazon http://amzn.to/1ovAayx150x150mmabie Newsletter http://bit.ly/1kMbfmo Facebook http://on.fb.me/1pRBigO Twitter http://bit.ly/1hznYOO Website http://bit.ly/1nP9q04


Mabie lives in Illinois with her husband. She is the author of the steamy comedy Fade In. Her sophomore release, Bait, is the first book in the angst-filled erotic Wake Series. She writes unconventional love stories and tries to embody "real-life romance." She cares about politics, but will not discuss them in public. She uses the same fork at every meal, watches Wayne's World while cleaning, and lets her dog sleep on her head. She has always been a writer. In fact, she was born with a pen in her hand, which almost never happens. Almost. Mabie usually doesn't speak in third-person either. She promises.   Other books by M. Mabie Fade in - Romantic Contemporary Romance

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