Friday, 7 August 2015

Maiden Claimed by Ravyn Rayne @blushingravyn

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Maiden Claimed by Ravyn Rayne
Series: Palace Secrets Book 2
Publisher: Blushing Books
Released: August 6, 2015
  It was supposed to be a simple trip to the market in Paris. Nothing for Lady Hannah is ever simple. One secret after another. The lies are mounting up. Lady Hannah has made a deal with the devil. Worse she’s falling in love with him. There’s no turning back. A steamy medieval romance filled with spankings and erotic pleasures.  

A Character Interview with Hannah

  Do you ever feel jealous of the queen, your former mistress and friend? She's still very much my friend. Sometimes late at night I'm jealous of the romance between Ella and Alexander, but I've come to accept my position at court. As for Ella being queen, that's a job I would never want.   How hard is it for you to keep a secret? Lies mounting up will get you caught. The goal is to weave a tale of truths into the secret so that you remember every detail. There are times I wish I didn't have to keep secrets, but my life and those I love depend on it. I know how to keep my mouth shut. It's not easy but I'm careful.   You travel to Paris quite a bit. Do you like it there? It's absolutely beautiful. There's a wealth of silk, jewels, and other fine goods at the market that I can't easily get elsewhere.   What about the men in Paris? I avoid most of them as best I can. If I brought a gentleman back to the palace, Ella or Alexander would likely have my head.  


  Waiting outside the bathhouse, a gentleman, with honey-golden hair and eyes as green as the blades of grass on a summer’s day, stops in front of me. He looks me over and smiles. His face is covered in scruff and dirt licks his skin. “I approve.” There’s an arrogance surrounding this man, and I have the urge to silence him. “You approve of what?” I ask and cross my arms defensively. My eyes narrow, unpleased. “I approve of you joining me in the bathhouse. Though I admit you look pretty clean already. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.” He reaches out to touch a strand of my blonde hair and I swat his fingers away and force his arm down to his side. “You’ve lost your mind.” My grip on his wrist is forceful, showing him who’s boss. “What do you think you’re doing?” he asks, glancing down at my hand still holding his wrist.

Three Questions with the author, Ravyn Rayne

  All your romance novels tend to be novella length, can you tell us why that is? Sure! I find I prefer reading and writing shorter romance novels, especially when it comes to romantic erotica. I want my readers to enjoy the novel, the romance, and the sex without feeling boggled down by too many plot details that aren't necessary. (Have you ever read a book and thought, wow this scene was totally unnecessary?) If I want to write a subplot or have a specific direction I desire the story to go in, then I will continue the series in another book. Some of my favorite romantic erotica novels are 22k-30k words, which tend to be the length I'm writing. This also gives me the opportunity to write a lot and publish often. So readers will be able to pick up a new Ravyn Rayne title every month and sometimes two per month!   Is there going to be a third book in the Palace Secrets series? Yes! Grave Misfortune has already been written. It's scheduled for release September 24th.   Where can readers find out information on your upcoming novels? I have a page on my website Ravyn's Books, that exclusively details the books, blurb, release date (if available). It also includes information on the current books I'm working on. Sometimes there's changes to the page if a book hasn't been released yet (title, slight blurb change), but for the most part it's fairly accurate. It's also the most up to date place I keep information.  

Snag the first book, Palace Secrets

PalaceSecrets_500x755   Love comes in many forms and always at a price. At twenty-three, Princess Isabella must settle down for the sake of her kingdom. Caught up in a secret affair with her lady-in-waiting, Hannah, the princess knows it can only last for so long. When Prince Alexander arrives to court her, he confides that his father is on his death bed, and he will be crowned king soon. Isabella hastily agrees to the proposal, desiring to be queen, knowing little about her soon to be husband. Murder, secrets, and lies combine with menage, spanking, and erotic encounters in this steamy medieval romance.
  Ravyn Rayne Titles  

Want more from Ravyn? Check out her magazine featuring author and character interviews, excerpts, and more great content!

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About the Author

Ravyn RayneRavyn is a sassy, fun-loving, and adventure-seeking young woman. She loves to travel and can’t wait for her next vacation,
Ravyn writes romantic erotica. She began writing romance novels in college, spending her down time either reading a book or writing fiction. Please don’t make her choose between the two, she loves them equally.wherever it might be.
Currently on schedule to publish two books a month through Blushing Books, Ravyn is incredibly prolific. Her series include: Federal Agent Chronicles, Palace Secrets, and Gem Apocalypse. She is also writing a spin-off series to Gem Apocalypse, titled Courtesan Slave Trade. Her goal is to write two romance novels per month. She has been published professionally since 2013. You can find her young adult books here.

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