Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Blog Tour: Frost by E. Latimer @Patchwork_Press @ELatimerWrites

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Frost by E. Latimer Published by Patchwork Press on August 25, 2015 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Pages: 453 Format: Paperback, ebook Goodreads Synopsis:
Megan Walker’s touch has turned to ice. She can’t stop the frost, and the consequences of her first kiss are horrifying. When her new powers attract attention, Megan finds herself caught up in an ancient war between Norse giants. One side fueled by a mad queen’s obsession and an ancient prophecy about Ragnarök, the other by an age-old grudge. Both sides believe Megan to be something she’s not. Both sides will stop at nothing to have her. Fire or frost. It’s an impossible decision, but she’ll have to act soon, because the storm is coming.
Today we are celebrating E. Latimer’s debut novel, Frost, a young adult fantasy based on Norse mythology about a teen who accidentally freezes the first boy she kisses. It's not long that she discovers her family tree is a little...weirder than expected. For original fans of Frost (which was originally uploaded on Wattpad), you'll see some of your favorite characters and moments in an entirely new light! Make sure to add Frost to your “to read” on GoodReads. You can purchase your copy of Frost from:
While you’re at it, be sure to enter the #FrostLaunch giveaway for a chance to win a paperback copy, ebook copy, Amazon gift card, or a swag goodie bag! HOW AWESOME IS THAT FOR A GIVEAWAY? (We have our eyes on those goodies in the swag bag!)

About E. Latimer

Erin Latimer is a young adult fantasy writer who currently resides in Vancouver, BC. She writes books, makes silly vlogs about writing with the YA Word nerds, and reads excessively. She has had an article featured in Chicken Soup For the Soul, and another in the Dear Teen Me online anthology. But mostly she writes about murderous queens and the magical teens who fight them.

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