Title: Surrender
Genre: Science Fiction / Romance / Erotica
Coalition Mates #4

Seduce me with words.
Inspire me with passion.
Blind me with longing.
Break me with need.
Bind me with love
Sally Owens was content to spend her life hiding in plain sight, as long as no one got too close or tried to wrestle the reigns away from her that is…
When she goes out for a night on the town to troll for the new Mr. Right Now, getting kidnapped and shipped out into space was NOT what she had in mind. But above all else Sally is a survivor and she soon comes up with a plan to thrive in this new world.
Arkenon Quinn, Courtesan Guild Master on the planet of Sirus, is informed that one of the new human refugees wants to join the Courtesan Guild and he was of course curious. However, when he meets the audacious and beautiful Sally he finds himself signing up to be the one to mentor her against his better judgement. What he could never have anticipated was how quickly this fascinating creature would steal his heart and force him to do something he’s never had to do before- chase a female.
Will Sally’s painful past keep her from finding a future with the man who’s like no other she’s ever met? Or will she have the strength to place her body and soul in Arkenon’s extremely capable hands?
Previous Books in the Series

The Coalition Mates series is a science fiction romance with a liberal amount of humour thrown in, my goal with these books was to create something light and fun, with a good bit of grumble and grunt… who doesn’t enjoy that right?
I’ll tell you a little about myself before the book excerpts. I live in British Columbia, Canada; I have all my life. I went to culinary school and studied Pastry Arts, working as a Pastry Chef in Vancouver for five years. But the commute into the city got to me and I had to change careers back to an office.
I still work full time; I now work for a sporting goods wholesaler in accounting…which is where my twitchy creative side began to get restless…and as my Baba used to say, “Idle hands are the Devils playthings.” Or in my case, idle hands get me into all sorts of trouble; so I go a little bananas on the hobby side of things. I still love to cook and bake, I do a large amount of recipe creating and the boys at work certainly appreciate being sacrificed as taste testers. I am also a stress knitter, to the point that I had to open my own Etsy shop to unload some of the scarves I make. Realistically there’re only so many scarves a gal can make and keep for herself before people start to judge you…. I also paint when the muse hits me, mostly abstract in acrylics. I love to garden and grow things, have a weakness for all animals, and an un-natural obsession for making jam. I literally made 24 different kinds of jam last summer, it’s a bit of a problem….but there’s just so many different kinds you can create! Who am I to say no to see what Tiger’s Blood jam would taste like? (it’s strawberry, watermelon and coconut by the way….and it was AMAZEBALLS.)
I’ve always had a love of reading, science fiction and paranormal genres have always fascinated me, so once I found myself addicted to romance novels it really only made sense that the sci fi romance genre drew me like a moth to a flame. I only started writing about a year ago, it took me a long time to get Sarah’s Crew to the point where I would let someone else read what I was writing, let alone send it into a publisher. But eventually I did and after one fairly nice rejection I moved on and found Siren. I’ve been so impressed at how supportive and helpful all the other Siren authors have been through this entire process, I’m a little on the shy side so the social media and marketing part of the writing process has been intimidating to say the least. My goal is to keep working on my writing skills and to hopefully improve with each book, and I hope that anyone who reads them enjoys the world that I’m trying to create!
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