Wednesday, 23 March 2016

BOOK TOUR: His Only Salvation by Skye Turner @SkyeTurner_Auth

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Meet Hope and Gabrial in Skye Turner’s newest dark romance!
His Only Salvation is

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My name is Hope Layne.

I've known Gabrial DeLucca my entire life.

He means so much to me, but he shouldn’t. He can’t. I can't let him in.

He is darkness personified.

Everything I believe in and stand for is everything he hates.

Nothing matters to him. He loves nothing and no one... Except me.

I hate who he is and what he does, but I can't hate him.

He is my curse.

He says I’m his salvation.

Am I strong enough to follow my heart when my head screams at me to do the opposite?

What price am I willing to pay to save Gabrial DeLucca from everyone, including himself?
***His Only Salvation is a dark romance with a love triangle.
One woman is involved with two men and some dark and delicate topics are covered.
Graphic language and explicit sex scenes are involved in the book.
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Dark and light, good and bad, this is what this read is about.

Hope is a young woman that has grown up around 2 men that are in her life. She struggles on a daily basis with the love that she has for both of these men. One is very bad for her, the dark and the other is good for her, the light.

Gabrial has really not had a great childhood, when he is a very young boy her comes across two other children that befriend him, keep him safe and fed. Gabrial has sworn that he would never feel like he did when he was a child and has made a name for himself within the crime world and now is a mafia boss.

Luke has gone the completely opposite way to Gabrial and is law enforcement. He knows what Gabrial does but at times he is torn between his love for someone that he calls a brother, but also knowing that the love of his life Hope loves Gabrial as well as him.

This is a love triangle story, but in some ways it is very different to the norm. There is a lot of twists and turns and you will be taken on a journey of emotions.

***Copy received in exchange for an honest and unbiased review****


The sound of the gun going off reverberates throughout the metal of the warehouse. It ricochets like a rock bouncing down a tin roof, only it’s louder… So much louder.
That didn’t just happen. This is a nightmare. It’s not real. It can’t be real.
Only as my gaze strays across the room and I take in the scene, the walls start to close in. I can’t breathe. All I can focus on is him… lying on the ground. A dark red puddle steadily increases in size and I hear a mournful wail. It pierces my heart.
The voice calling my name, in absolute terror, finally catches my attention and suddenly the sound stops and I realize that the scream was coming from me.
“Hope… Hope… look at me… Stay with me. Goddammit. Stay with me. You have to get out of here. You can’t be here right now, Hope. They’re already on the way and you can’t be here when the police show up.”
The screams don’t stop. I can’t. The horror is too much. If anything, I scream even louder. I hear the voice imploring me to look away from the scene on the dirty floor of the warehouse, but I can’t. I can’t look away from him. He’s on the ground. My vision starts to waver and I blink to try to make the scene disappear.
It will be ok. This isn’t real. None of this is real. It’s just a night terror. Like I had as a child. If I take my time and breathe with my eyes closed, when I open them, I’ll see everything is ok. I’ll be in my pink childish bedroom and everything will be fine.
Something sounds like bubbles under water. Opening my eyes, I look past the man in front of me, desperately trying to get me to move, to leave, and see him lying on the ground as the puddle continues to spread and darkens. That’s black… it can’t be blood. Blood is red and that is almost black. Blood isn’t that dark. It’s not real.
Only, he gurgles as blood trickles from his mouth and he looks at me with a mixture and fear and acceptance.
Dear God, he’s choking on his own blood. This is real.
He gurgles once more and his eyes widen before he reaches out for me… I can’t move. I can’t breathe. This is real. This is happening… Oh my God… this is really happening… It’s not a nightmare.
The darkness consumes me and I feel weightless as my bones liquefy… I try to speak but nothing comes out as I succumb to the darkness.
No light… only darkness.
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About the Author:
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Skye Turner is an avid reader and an editor turned International Bestselling Author of the Bayou Stix Series.

She attended Southeastern Louisiana University and Louisiana State University where she majored in Mass Communications, centering her studies in Journalism. Unfortunately life intervened and she made the choice to leave her studies.

She lives in small town Louisiana with her husband, 2 children, and 6 fur babies.

When she's not chained to her laptop pounding out sexy stories she can usually be found playing Supermom, reading, gardening (playing in the dirt), listening to music and dancing like a fool, or catching up on her family oriented blog.

Stalk Her:  Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



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