THE DJ SERIES by Helen J. Barnes
*´¨✫) Helen J Barnes
¸.•´¸.•*´¨)✯ ¸.•*¨) DJ Series
✮ (¸.•´✶ (¸.•` Book Blitz
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The DJ Series box set
The Final Note
Dayton Scot embraces the DJ lifestyle; Mixing, producing, clubbing. It's his rush.
Alannah Matthews is training to working in law. She has also had enough of men talking to her tits.
A chance meeting at a house party brings them together. They fall deep, hard and fast!
A once in a lifetime opportunity arises for Dayton and he wants Alannah by his side. But with jealous club managers, two careers going in different directions and a romance that leaves her head spinning, can Alannah handle the heat on this DJs red hot dance floor?
Off The Record
Have you ever had a dream that morphed into a nightmare?
Well, that's exactly what the opportunity of a lifetime turned out to be for me.
This is my time to shine. This is my chance to rock London. This is my ride to the top.
Without Alannah it was a very unique and beautiful form of torture - Dayton Scott.
Disrespectful Diva
Join Tara Powers, better known as DJ DisDiva, on a clubbing tour across the UK. Tara is living the champagne lifestyle as London's hottest female DJ. After a turbulent battle to the top, Tara deserves her time to shine. And shine she does, until her boss hires Dominic Clayton to run the record label radio station.
Dominic's reputation rivals even Tara's! But there is only so much temptation a girl can withstand before dancing with the devil.
The only problem is, everyone knows mixing business with pleasure is always a bad idea.
Crazy Perfection
As a vocal artist Shazza Duncan knows she owns the top spot in the EDM industry. In every other aspect of her life she is doomed to fail.
You would think some of her career success comes from her privileged upbringing. But you would be dead wrong. Her family have high expectations and loathe her career choices.
When DJ Adam Chapman signs a contract to work with Shazza he makes it blatantly obvious he will stop at nothing to tame the crazy club lover.
But Shazza faces some of life's hardest challenges and fears any relationship between them will suffer when the proverbial mic falls and everything goes to shit.
The Final Note (Book 1)
Off The Record (Book 1.5)
Disrespectful Diva (Book 2)
Crazy Perfection (Book 3)
Character Interview with Alannah and Dayton
When you saw each other for the first time, how did you feel?
Dayton: My first thought was how is it possible such a striking looking woman was alone!
*Alannah giggles and brushes his comment away before cuddling into Dayton’s side*.
Alannah: My first thought was embarrassment that Dayton had snuck up on me whilst I was grossing out at a very dirty PDA by a couple in the kitchen at Luke’s house. Then I was mortified when I thought Dayton was offering me drugs!
*They both laugh, sharing a cute smile*
Dayton: I think Alannah wanted to be a wallflower, but she captivated me. I knew I’d met someone I just had to get to know. Just from that night alone I knew she was beautiful, modest, intelligent and I wanted to spend more time with her.
Alannah: Aww. Thank you. I was flattered, Dayton was gorgeous and obviously popular. Everyone wanted to talk to him, yet I had his sole attention. I didn’t want to leave the party that night.
What was the worst thing about being apart?
Alannah: Everything! *She leaps in without hesitation*. My life had started to revolve around my time with Dayton. I lived from one day with him to the next, spending every spare minute with him. I felt like I’d lost that reason to exist. I was bereft. It was horrid.
*Dayon pulls Alannah close and kisses the top of her head*
Dayton: Never again, baby. It was sickening. I seriously felt like I’d left a part of me behind and functioning was damn hard, impossible at times. The only way I can describe it was feeling lost. I knew I’d never feel whole again without her, no career progress was going to fill the void. I needed the other half of me.
Using three words describe each other.
Dayton: Classy. Amazing. Perfect.
Alannah: Talented. Loving. Mine.
Where do you see yourselves in ten years?
Alannah: Well, there will definitely be children.
Dayton: Children and security. We have our home, our careers and the perfect mix of work and play now.
Alannah: I think we’ve earned the right to take a weekend off from clubbing to be able to enjoy quality time in our home and we definitely plan on making the most of it. I’m quite looking forward to trading a few nights on the dance floor for a few days at the zoo and quiet nights in with a take away and a movie.
Dayton: Definitely. Our careers are a fundamental part of who we are as people, but without each other we aren’t ourselves either. We know wherever life leads us, we have to be there together.
Tell us a secret about each of your friends
*They both burst into laughter*
Dayton: Now you’re looking to get us into trouble.
Alannah: You just wanted the juicy bits, didn’t you? *She giggles*
Dayton: Okay, um, let me think of some dirty on Tara and Dom. Oh, they have a thing for having sex in castles.
Alannah: And Shazza will often drag Adam backstage after they perform together.
Dayton: Thinking about it, our friends are rather filthy! *He laughs, shaking his head in amusement*
Alannah: But in all seriousness, Dominic comes across as brash and his reputation proceeds him, but when it comes to Tara, that man is a pussy cat. I mean, he even bought her a kitten! Tara definitely wears the trousers in that relationship.
Dayton: Adam is the same with Shazza though, totally pussy whipped. *He sniggers*
Alannah: So are you. *She grins and pokes him in the side*
Dayton: Shh. They don’t need to know that!
What's the one cheesy tune you secretly love?
Dayton: I don’t have one *He looks away, obviously lying*
Alannah: He so does! He loves that One Direction track, Another World.
Dayton: You can talk, I’ve heard you singing along to The Vamps, Shout About It, plenty of times.
What's your favourite Pizza topping
They answer simultaneously: Ham and Pineapple.
How’s the car running Alannah?
Alannah: My Phil? He’s still running perfectly, thank you!
Dayton: My Dad enjoys servicing it yearly.
What’s next for you two and rest of the gang?
Dayton: I think we’re just happy living in the moment, for now. I’m sure we’ll all continue to enjoy entertaining the crowds and making a career from doing the job we love. Of course we’ll all have our private lives and our relationships will always be a priority, but I’m sure as long as we can continue to perform in clubs we will continue to do so.
Alannah: Although I’ve already noticed the odd weekend off is becoming more regular for all of us and the daily job of producing is becoming more of a priority than time behind the decks.
Dayton: I think I can speak for everyone when I say we’ve found our homes with our respective record labels and our homes with our partners. We may continue to rock the dance floors, but we don’t rock the boat when it comes to keeping the love of our life happy. In that regard, I think every one of us men are pussy whipped, and secretly, we love it.
Author Bio
Helen J. Barnes has been writing since 2014 and kicked off the year with The Learning Curve, the first novel in the Inner Strength Series, followed up by A Rising Angel. She is also the Author of the DJ Series. The Final Note, Disrespectful Diva and Crazy Perfection is due to be released October 2015.
Married to a DJ/Producer and record label manager, she has three children and was born and raised in Nottinghamshire, UK.
When not writing Helen enjoys reading and home educating her children when they're not holidaying on the east coast of England. She has unhealthy addiction to Ian Somerhalder, Tom Hardy, chocolate, anything tie dyed and is obsessed with all things Titanic related.
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Author Interview
Name: Helen J. Barnes
Country: UK
Random Fact: My daughter was delivered by 2 midwives named Helen & Simon, which are my husband and my names.
Tell us a little about your books:
The DJ Series was inspired by my husbands career and the colourful and sometimes crazy people I've met while supporting my husband. I threw in some hot sex with the clubbing and music and the DJ Series was born.
What made you decide to write:
I've always loved keeping a diary and writing stories. Reading was something I adored & did as much as possible. The idea of my stories actually becoming a book & others reading it was a pipe dream until a friend suggested self publishing.
What was your inspiration
My inspiration comes from everyday life. I try to make my stories & characters believable. Normal people, normal lives. Real.
Are any of the characters based on people you know: Most of them are loosely based on people I've met or know. The good, the bad & the crazy. The DJ series has some really colourful characters in it & I know people just like them.
Are any of the characters based on people you know
Most of them are loosely based on people I've met or know. The good, the bad & the crazy. The DJ series has some really colourful characters in it & I know people just like them.
How do you come up with the character names?
Some are named after people I know, friends and family. I think most of my street team have had a character named after them. Even the animals in my books are named after family pets!
Do you listen to music whilst you write?
Always. A totally eclectic mix depending on the mood of the scene. I listen to anything & everything when writing.
How do you overcome writers block?
Step back. Step off. The stories come when & from wherever they like. Don't look for them, let them hit you. Dreams also throw up some weird & wonderful ideas. When I switch off my creativity goes crazy.
Have you ever done an Anthology/ Charity box set. If not would you?
I'm actually hoping to be a part of an anthology based on Titanic for the Belfast signing in 2018 organised by Leigh Stone. As a total Titanorack this is an anthology I would relish being involved in.
What’s next for Helen J Barnes?
A new genre! I recently made the leap from erotica to romantic suspense and wrote a rather dark read based on a stalking. I've absolutely loved it & cannot wait for the release of Nameless on 1st August.
Can we get a peek? :P
Nameless Copyright. All Rights reserved by Helen J Barnes
"Oh. My. God! I got NG19 tickets! I have to ring Dayna and Lexi. They're gonna freak!" I sing in excitement.
"Who sent them/ I've been trying to get tickets for weeks," Dad says, taking the tickets from me and I instantly want to take them back.
"They're VIP tickets, too," Mum quietly adds.
I pick up the card that was discarded to the floor, a silly grin on my face. It soon slides off when I see the card is blank.
Inside the envelope is two love heart sweets with the words 'Be Mine' on them.
"What's the matter, love?" Dad asks when he sees the frown on my face.
"The card is blank, it hasn't been written on."
Mum blinks in surprise and dad takes the card from me, looking it over like Inspector Gadget.
"So, who sent them?" Mum sounds bewildered and I shrug, lost for words.
"Do you remember that parcel that got delivered? I don't know who that was off either," I confess, looking at the floor.
Dad's face reddens further and mum starts to look worried rather than puzzled.
"What was in the parcel?" Dad demands to know.
"CDs and a NG19 T-shirt," I say quietly.
"So why didn't you mention it?"
I shrug pathetically.I don't know why I didn't mention it, I just thought they'd be mad. Or that it could be from a boy, and I don't want to discuss that with my parents.
"Addy," mum's voice warns, "we need to know if some random stranger is sending you gifts."
"I know, I know! Dayna thinks it's a secret admirer."
"Well this secret admirer has cash to flash and isn't taking credit for some incredibly expensive gifts, Addison. To be able to afford these tickets he must have a well paid job and be a lot older."
I shrug, trying to down play the unsettled feeling this is causing me. Something about it just feels... off. It seems more sinister than romantic.
Have you got any signings planned?
I'm actually doing my first signing in January at the Pop Up Signing Birmingham. Tickets are now on sale but very limited & I am totally hyped to be involved. Coming face to face with my readers is unbelievably exciting!!
Do you have any pets
I do! My puppy, Archie, who isn't a year old yet and a bundle of uncontrollable excitement balled up inside a golden Labrador. He's manic and naughty but he fits in perfectly in my crazy household. I also have an elderly lady puss named Porschea who isn't a big fan of Archie! She's a very quiet, sulky puss who loves to lay on the keyboard when I'm trying to write.
How do you relax?
Relax? With 3 home educated kids? Doesn't happen... No, I'm kidding. When I find some quiet time I love reading, adult colouring and watching documentaries, mainly on wildlife and conservation. If you haven't watched Blackfish and The Cove please do.
Who’s your fave authors
SR Grey. KB Mallion. Colleen Hoover. Mia Sheridan. There are so many I love!!
Where can readers find you?
On my Facebook page:
This or that
Vanilla or choc ice cream: Vanilla
Dog or cat: Both
Jeans or leggings: Jeans
Shoes or trainers: Trainers
Sweet or savoury: Sweet
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi
Fave things: Family, friends, books.
Fave colour: Purple
Movie: Legend
Band/artist: Years & Years
Tv program: The Walking Dead
Food: Chicken
Drink: Water
Season: Summer
Holiday: Christmas
Age: 32
Married? Happily for 10 years.
Kids? 3
Childhood memory: Holidays in Skegness
Childhood book: The Tiger That Came To Tea
Funniest Memory: It actually happened on a holiday in Skegness when we were walking around a market. My mum was walking our English Springer Spaniel, Benji, around the market. My mum was paying for something on the stall when the dog decided to cock his leg and pee all over some clothes hung on a rail. My mum was mortified and trying to pull him away from the rail but the dog simply hopped on three legs, pee splashing around as far as he could project it. My husband, then new boyfriend, had to hold me up because I almost crumpled to the ground in hysterics. The stall holder looked livid and my mum was practically dragging Benji, who was adamant he WAS going to urinate on every item of clothing on that rail. My dad simply rolled his eyes and started to walk away like he wasn't with us. I laughed the whole way around that market and I'm pretty sure my mum has never bought anything from that stall since!!
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