Title: Mind, Trinity Trilogy, Book 2
Author: Audrey Carlan
Genre: Erotic Contemporary Romance
Tour Host: DRC Promotions

I’m a magnet for evil and controlling men. Chase, my big business tycoon and love of my life, thinks he can protect me…he can’t.
No one can.
It became clear far too late how serious my stalker was, that his threats weren’t idle. He proved more than once that he would do what it takes, that there were no stakes too high to his sick and twisted games and delusions of worship.
We should have been better prepared. The roses, images, lingerie soaked in his seed, even his calling card written in blood didn’t penetrate. I had faith that my love could make it go away, that eventually he’d be caught.
I was wrong.
In the second highly anticipated erotic suspense novel in the Trinity Trilogy, MIND digs deep into the heart and psyche of Gillian and her stalker through dueling POVs.
While Chase and Gillian plan their wedding, follow them and the entire gang as the stalker acts out his revenge and plots his attack on Gillian, Chase, and their friends.
This book can be considered dark, erotic, and thrilling. As in Body (Trinity Trilogy Book 1) the issue of domestic violence plays heavily in the storyline, and Gillian experiences many disturbing flashbacks of the past, alongside tragedy the stalker brings to the present. There is also a lot of love, devotion, and friendship.
Warning: This book is designed for audiences 18+ due to language, graphic sexual content, and themes that some may find disturbing. MIND is book 2 of a three-part trilogy. Body (Trinity Trilogy - Book 1) must be read prior to reading MIND.

“That’s it baby, you take my cock,” he presses deep. “Take. It. All. The. Way.” He grunts until he’s seated to the very hilt, his heavy balls slapping against the crack of my ass. “You feel me, Gillian. You feel me inside you. I’m always going to be there. Taking you, taking what’s mine, giving you what’s yours.” He breathes heavily as he stirs his cock inside me. “You want that? All of me. Every” thrust “fucking,” thrust, “inch” thrust, “Of me,” thrust,” is yours,” he lets out in a feverish rush.
“What do you feel?” He brings a wicked thumb into the mix, swirling the digit around my clit in dizzying circles that sends lightning to my sex.
“I feel…” I try to catch my breath as my orgasm builds, swirls like a boiling pot, my spine tightening, limbs protesting as the first waves of release shimmer through me. “I feel us.” He smiles, comes down onto me and powers into me.
“What else?” He grates. His skin is shining with sweat at the effort to hold back, not just pound and pour into me. No, he wants it to be good for me and it always is.
“Baby, it’s everything,” I whisper into his ear as I cling to him in a full body clench before tipping my head back and roaring through my release. I grip him to me so tightly I can feel the exact moment his spine stiffens, one vertebra at a time, in extreme pleasure, before pouring his release into me. The orgasm goes on and on as we both ride the wave for long minutes.
When I come back from Nirvana, I’m still clinging to him, only now I’m sprawled naked on his chest, both of us panting like we just ran a full marathon. Chase extends his arm and shuffles through his pants. He pulls out his phone holds it out and takes a picture.
“Now look at the camera for me this time. I want to keep this moment with me forever,” he says. I can only oblige him. Certain that my breasts are plastered against his chest I peek up through my hair and my hiding place on his chest. One of my hands is lying against his rapidly beating heart. We both look at the camera, and I give my secret smile, the one I only give to him. He takes the picture and turns it around so I can see. It’s breathtakingly beautiful. I see the Drum Bridge clearly in the distance but most importantly, I see Chase, his eyes sated and untarnished by his past or our current situation. My own gaze is soft, resplendent. Mostly, it’s just another candid moment of us in love.
“Send it to me…that one is special,” I use the same words he used about the other image. He nods once and then tosses the phone back down near his pants. We lay together for a long time.
“Do you think it will always be this good between us?” I finally ask. His arms tighten along my bare back and waist.
I lean up and rest my chin on his chest like I usually do after we make love.
“I don’t know why it wouldn’t. I’m positive there is no other woman for me. No one else would put up with me the way you do.” He waggles his eyebrows, but I know there is some truth in his statement.
Kissing him softly, I pull back. “You’re right. No woman in their right mind would put up with you,” he cringes, but I continue. “Special dates and private garden showings, rooftop brunches, endless love making where the woman’s pleasure is paramount…you’re right. You’re ridiculous!” I giggle, and he nuzzles my nose.
“You’re cute.”
“Didn’t we already have this conversation? Cute is for puppies and newborns not naked women in their twenties who allow you to ravish them in public gardens.”
Chase laughs, and I enjoy feeling his cock wiggle within me. He likes to stay connected to me for as long as possible, but I know our private time is running out.
“Don’t we need to go?”
He kisses me then sits up. I shimmy off him and stand. The mixture of our combined releases coats my thighs and starts running down my leg. Chase watches closely, a predatory gleam in his eyes and a crooked, sexy smile on his face. I roll my eyes and grab the soft napkin that came with our picnic, wiping the mess up before putting on my panties, bra, and dress.
Chase dresses and I start to put everything away. “Leave it. I’ve paid someone to take care of it for us.” Of course he did. I shake my head and he puts my cardigan over my shoulders, the chill of the late afternoon in San Francisco starting to encroach.
“Next up...dessert,” Chase says as he leads me out the gate of the garden. I close my eyes and try to imprint today’s experience so that I can go back to it often. Whenever I have a rough day, I’m going to go back to those rainbow steps that tell a story so beautiful one must experience it with their own eyes, and the magical garden where Chase made wild and crazy love to me under the cool shade of a willow tree.
“I thought that’s what we just had,” I say, the innuendo clear in my tone.
“You saucy little vixen, come on. I know a place that serves up the best caramel cupcakes baked fresh every day.”
“You had me at ‘saucy little vixen’,” I grin.
Review by Wendy Book Obsessed

Buy the Books
Buy Mind, (Trinity Trilogy, Book 2)
Buy Body (Trinity Trilogy, Book 1) - ON SALE NOW!

About the Author

Audrey Carlan is a professional fundraiser for an international healthcare related charity by day, and a sensual and erotic contemporary romance writer by night. She lives in the sunny California Valley two hours away from the city, the beach, the mountains and the precious…the vineyards. She has been married to the love of her life for 10 years and has two young children that live up to their title of “Monster Madness” on daily basis. When she’s not raising money, sipping wine with her “soul sisters”, three incredibly different and unique voices in her life, she can be found with her nose stuck in book or her Kindle. A hot, smutty, romantic book to be exact!
In life she believes that all things have their purpose even if we are unable to determine the purpose immediately.
Connect with Audrey
Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.com/e/B00JAVVG8U
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/audrey.carlan.1
Email address: carlan.audrey@gmail.com
Thank you Obsessed by Books for sharing my blog tour information and reading Mind. I look forward to reading your thoughts as your reviews area always amazing!